Home User Interface

User Interface

The User Inteface (UI) design lessons were part of my studies in the university of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC).

During the semester lessons we had several small preparatory practices to achieve a good knowledge about the UI best practices.

For the final assignment was design the UI for the future mobile application of the university.

I worked in a team with 3 spanish students and we create a prototype for the UI of the app with a treaser.

In the documentation there are some use case scenarious with different people such as a professor, a local student, an international student, an administrative employee. It explains the evaluations examinated and the reuslt obtained and the entire creation process is explained.


The videos and the doc are in spanish because the course was taken in the Canary Islands, Spain.


Adobe XD

Adobe AfterEffects

Microsoft Office Word 365


Jorge Rodrigo Blanco Anton

Federico Collelouri

Joel Navarro Rivero

Martin van Puffelen Lopez

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